Updating Results


  • #4 in Education & Training
  • 100 - 500 employees

Diversity and Inclusion at Unschool

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) encompasses more than policies, programs, and employee counts. Equitable employers outperform their competitors by respecting each team member's unique needs, perspectives, and potential. As a result, employees are more likely to trust and commit to diverse and inclusive workplaces.

Read on to watch our contribution in this important aspect.

Women Empoerment at Unschool!

At Unschool, we celebrate everyday as women's day

At Unschool, everyday is women's day

Here's to unlearning judgment, stereotypes, and anything else that isn't beneficial to women. Every day, here's to Unschooling it!

Meet Navya Regode. Growth hacker for Unschool, an inspiration for the world.

We are so proud of each of the #WomenAtUnschool because they are fearless. They instill in us perseverance, compassion, and the ability to get things done in a stylish manner.

At Unschool, everyday is women's day

Here's to unlearning judgment, stereotypes, and anything else that isn't beneficial to women. Every day, here's to Unschooling it!

Meet Navya Regode. Growth hacker for Unschool, an inspiration for the world.

We are so proud of each of the #WomenAtUnschool because they are fearless. They instill in us perseverance, compassion, and the ability to get things done in a stylish manner.