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Tata Motors

Tata Motors Graduate Programs & Internships

  • R&D and Manufacturing

What it does: manufactures vehicles.

Best known for: producing customised vehicles and its world-class manufacturing and quality standards, enhanced driving comfort and fuel efficiency.

Staff stats: 83,000 

The good bits: senior management that strives to increase knowledge, innovation and technical expertise. 

The Tata Motors story

By origin, Tata Motors is an Indian multinational manufacturing company that has a large product range of automobiles ranging from passenger cars to trucks, vans, coaches, sports cars, buses to military vehicles. It has its headquarters in Mumbai and was founded in 1945. In 1954, in collaboration with Daimler-Benz AG, Tata Motors manufactured its first vehicle. 

Tata Motors is listed on Bombay Stock exchange, the New York Stock Exchange and on the National Stock Exchange of India. Moreover, in the list of world’s largest manufacturing corporations, it has attained 265th rank on the Global Fortune List.

The recruitment process

Students who have a management and engineering degree and are thinking to apply for a career at Tata Motors have to undergo a written exam and an interview. In the written test, their technical, engineering and marketing skills will undergo assessment. Also, as per the requirement and need, a group discussion will also determine the recruitment procedure. Finally, the interview will be the last determining factor. 

Candidates can nominate their preferred career path. Graduates and postgraduates can apply for technical roles in the manufacturing company and along with engineering candidates, students with a diploma in core areas such as technical product designs, accounting and marketing will also be given opportunities.


The board of directors, senior leadership and management seek to maintain high standards, quality assurance and excellence. They are incorporating state of the art technology, innovation in their designs, manufacturing and leading-edge research and development to achieve competitiveness. For this reason, they seek graduates and postgraduates with great technical skills and through motivation and training, incorporate them in their culture of excellence.

Social contributions

Committed strongly and firmly to sustainable development, the manufacturing company ensures that the wellbeing of society and the protection of the environment become their prime social responsibility and concern

The vibe of the place

Tata Motors is a promising Launchpad for fresh graduates as it allows them the opportunity to explore their technical abilities and knowledge and in the process get access to long term growth in their careers along with job sustainability and stability. Also, a professional work environment, motivation and an ability to express their skills are strong incentives for graduates to explore a world of technological innovation in the company.

Jobs & Opportunities

Locations With Jobs & Opportunities
  • India
Hiring candidates with qualifications in
Business & Management
Engineering & Mathematics
IT & Computer Science